Their anguish becomes their chum till the moment an angel, in disguise of 'Teacher' comes in and distinguished him among all other friends of his. At the moment, his suppressed aspirations open their eyes and gradually start running with the honest efforts of that 'Teacher', who wants him to struggle and feel challenged. Who is brave enough to let him fail, learn the lesson and boost him to have another go. The race starts late, but finally brings the fruits.
Thousands of kids, when are grown up and join the race of life, somewhere, sometimes, are kindled by their own conscious efforts and later illuminate the world. Thousands of kids grown up and faded with their capabilities unidentified. The world, we witness today, would have been more peppy, if this unrecognized treasure would have been opened. We can't revert the time, but correct the error made in the past. The beautiful world we witness today is the result of the endeavors of teachers of past and today's teachers will certainly be responsible for the beauty or crudity of the future.
The 'Teacher' must have capabilities to identify the capabilities of their students. If they do not, still they should carry on their sincere efforts, in a hope that they will find it someday.
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