It is always great to go into a classroom. Always excited to learn something new in interaction with students.
When fresh minds of students are applied in interaction there surly arise some problems. That works as a stimulant for a teacher to learn and make their students learn.
Day before yesterday when I started my class it was there in my mind "Be Ready To Learn Something New".
The topic was to make students learn the divisibility test on numbers. I planned to have five tests of divisibility in 40 minutes time, 2,3,5,6,10. I started with 10 as it was very easy to learn and when in a class you go into 'Easy To Difficult' mode it helps to build confidence in your students.
If a teacher care the most about the students with low IQ then he is able to derive the most workable activities to make the students learn. The activities developed for low IQ students, when performed in the class, make more room to think for the students with high IQ.
There are two types of understanding can be developed in students 'Logic Based Understanding and Memory Based Understanding. The lesson was based on memory based understanding. So I had already planned to take the help of meditation in class.
The class was started with meditation and ended with meditation it took 10 minutes. First 2 minute meditation was to refresh them. After meditation I started with these words 'Today You Are Going To Learn A Magic Trick'. Now they were ready to take the ride.
After twenty minutes interaction included drills on the rules of each and every 'Test Of Divisibility'. Now I had to go for memory part. I instructed students to close their eyes and recall the 'Test Of Divisibility' of integer '2' in next 60 seconds. When they opened their eyes I asked about who could not recall it and further it was explained by the students who were successful. It took next ten minutes to perform it on all the tests.
Next day the activity was done again and the result was 100%.
I believe this kind of activities might be applied in all other subjects which requires 'Memory Based Understanding'.
Scientific power of Meditation
Scientific power of Meditation
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